Blackburn Cathedral

Built by J.W. Walker in 1969

In a joint project with Llannerch and Evensong, I have helped process many of the samples of this instrument.

Find more information about the sample set here, where it is now for sale.

The Current Specification:

I Positive

Bourdon 8

Principal 4

Koppelflote 4

Principal 2

Sesquialtera 12.17

Larigot 1 1/3

Scharf 26.29.33

Holzregal 16

Cromorne 8



II Great

Quintaton 16

Principal 8

Stopped Diapason 8

Octave 4

Rohrflute 4

Nazard 2 2/3

Fifteenth 2

Blockflote 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Fourniture 15.19.22

Plein Jeu 22.26.29

Trumpet 8



III Swell

Rohrflöte 8

Viola da Gamba 8*

Celeste 8*

Principal 4

Nasonflöte 4

Nazard 2 2/3

Gemshorn 2

Octavin 1

Mixture 12.19.22

Cymbale 29.33.36

Fagot 16*

Trompette 8*

Hautbois 8*

Clarion 4*

Cymbelstern 8 bells* (Enclosed)




IV Solo

Flûte Harmonique 8

Viola 8

Viola Celeste 8

Flûte Octaviante 4

Clarinette 8

Voix Humaine 8

Imperial Trumpet 8




Sub Principal 32

Contra Bass 32

Principal 16

Flûte Ouverte 16

Sub Bass 16

Quintaton 16 (Gt)

Grosse Quinte 10 2/3

Octave 8

Nachthorn 8

Grosse Tierce 6 2/5

Fifteenth 4

Recorder 4

Spitzflöte 2

Mixture IV

Serpent 32

Posaune 16

Bombarde 8

Schalmei 4

Extended Specification:

I Positive

Bourdon 8

Salicional 8

Principal 4

Koppelflote 4

Nazard 2 2/3

Principal 2

Sesquialtera 12.17

Tierce 1 3/5

Larigot 1 1/3

Scharf 26.29.33

Holzregal 16

Cromorne 8



II Great

Bourdon 16

Quintaton 16

Principal 8

Stopped Diapason 8

Octave 4

Rohrflute 4

Nazard 2 2/3

Fifteenth 2

Blockflote 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Fourniture 15.19.22

Plein Jeu 22.26.29

Bombarde 16

Trumpet 8

Clarion 4



III Swell

Bourdon 16

Montre 8

Rohrflöte 8

Viola da Gamba 8*

Celeste 8*

Principal 4

Nasonflöte 4

Nazard 2 2/3

Gemshorn 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Octavin 1

Mixture 12.19.22

Cymbale 29.33.36

Fagot 16*

Trompette 8*

Hautbois 8*

Clarion 4*

Cymbelstern 8 bells* (Enclosed)




IV Solo

Flûte Harmonique 8

Viola 8

Viola Celeste 8

Flûte Octaviante 4

Basson 16

Clarinette 8

Voix Humaine 8

Bombardon 16*

Imperial Trumpet 8*

Clarion 4*



*En chamade


Sub Principal 32

Contra Bass 32

Principal 16

Flûte Ouverte 16

Sub Bass 16

Quintaton 16 (Gt)

Grosse Quinte 10 2/3

Octave 8

Nachthorn 8

Grosse Tierce 6 2/5

Septieme 4 4/7

Fifteenth 4

Recorder 4

Spitzflöte 2

Mixture IV

Serpent 32

Posaune 16

Bombarde 8

Schalmei 4